
Structure of but-1-ene

but-1-ene, but-1-ene, 1-butene, 1-butylene, ethylethylene, α-butylene

But-1-ene is a colorless gas and one of the isomers of butene.

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Physical characteristics

Molecular mass 56.11
Density 620 kg/m³
Melting point -301.63 ℉ / 87.80 K
Boiling point 20.35 ℉ / 266.68 K
Flash point -110.47 ℉ / 194.00 K
Fire point 724.73 ℉ / 658.00 K
Rel. permittivity N/A
Partition coeff. (logP) 2.4
Solubility (water)0.0394 mol/L / 2.21 g/L
Solubility (benzene)Soluble
Solubility (ethoxyethane)Soluble
Solubility (ethanol)Soluble

Synthesis of but-1-ene

Compound added to the database on November 6, 2020, last modified on August 11, 2022.