
Announcement regarding future updates

Nov 26, 2022
Announcement regarding future updates

Just a few short announcements.

Let me start by addressing the current lack of updates, which has been due to large amounts of refactoring on the back-end on the one hand and other projects unexpectedly taking more of my time on the other hand. Updates should resume somewhere in the near future (probably a few weeks after the official launch of PHP 8.2, which most likely means the first visible update won't happen until early 2023).

Future updates will from now on be much smaller and more contained, likely limited to one big feature with some minor changes each update. The reasoning for this is two-fold:

  • The current update cycle is too slow and cumbersome. Having multiple new features to track for usefulness or bugs every update is quite a burden. Hopefully with smaller, more contained updates it will be easier and faster to respond to changes and/or incorporate new ideas.
  • Having a dedicated update for every feature allows this blog to have a dual purpose. First, for notifying you of updates and second, as some form of documentation for more advanced users (every feature will be described in more detail, including design decisions where relevant).

Its also likely that some form of ads or premium service will be introduced in the near future to - hopefully - ensure proper resources can be dedicated to this project. Currently this project generates no revenue. Thanks for reading.